Living in San Francisco California I'm fascinated by animation, film, and photography and their ability to transport the imagination to unimaginable places. 
Early on, I fell in love with the idea of filming my productions, so I set out to learn everything I could about storytelling, and I did just that. 
I produced my first short film in 1998 and entered a short and medium-length film into an international Film Festival (FICA - Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental) in 1999. Since then, I have made many more films and joined many festivals. I got a degree in Administration and Marketing, and in 2005 I got my post-graduate degree in Film and expanded my video production company, Voarte Filmes, to the next level.

I have been teaching myself filmmaking and cinematography for the past thirty years, and I’m still learning every day. I’m growing my business as a filmmaker, photographer, and animator studying some 360 Videos, and teaching photography and videography when I have time.
As the father of a baby and a toddler, I've had to optimize my precious time to continue 
doing what I love with excellence and make my clients happy!
I speak English, PORTUGUESE, and SPANISH when needed. I do respect diversity and plurality.
Diplomas - Certificates - Media
Bachelor's degree in Administration and Marketing; Post Grade in Cinema; Film at Stanford - CA; Animation at Emeryville - CA
You will see on certificates my full name Ubirajara Cosme da Silva, and my artistic name Bira Cosme
Bachelor's Degree - Administration and Marketing
Bachelor's Degree - Administration and Marketing
Post Grade Degree in Cinema
Post Grade Degree in Cinema
Film course at Stanford University
Film course at Stanford University
Animation course with Pixar Studios animator
Animation course with Pixar Studios animator
Brazialian newspaper about my paintings - Best Brazil California
Brazialian newspaper about my paintings - Best Brazil California
US Latin magazine about my paintings - California
US Latin magazine about my paintings - California
As Therapist - Thetahealing Certificate
As Therapist - Thetahealing Certificate
As Therapist - Multidimensional Therapy
As Therapist - Multidimensional Therapy
As Therapist - Canalização
As Therapist - Canalização
TV Cultura interviewed me, and I spoke about my career, filming in California, and much more.
Interview in Portuguese. You can use cc (closed caption in English).

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